Monday, October 2, 2017

Aung San Suu Kyi: From Nobel Prize winner to Fallen Heroine

The case of  Aung San Suu Kyi is extremely sad. She was revered as a human rights advocate in 1991 when she won the Nobel Peace Prize. Now, the Oxford college which she attended in the 1960's has removed her portrait from public display and put it in storage, due to universal disgust over the way she has tolerated the persecution of Muslims in her native Myanmar.

Apparently she functioned better as an anti-government dissident than she has as the de facto leader of Myanmar. She has turned a blind eye to the ongoing tragedy of hundreds of thousands of Muslims being forced to flee to neighboring Bangladesh. When interviewed about this, she gave cold and callous answers, and afterwards angrily complained that "I didn't know I was going to be interviewed by a Muslim".

The sad lesson from this is that she is as filled with ethnic and religious hatred and intolerance as anybody else. If it is possible to do so, her Nobel prize should certainly be revoked. A woman of peace she is not.

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