Friday, September 13, 2024

The Harris-Trump Debate

In Tuesday night's presidential debate, Kamala Harris established her dominance from the moment she walked onto the stage. While Trump was slowly, almost aimlessly, meandering onto the stage, Harris stode purposefully across the stage and extended her hand to Trump, whom she had never met face-to-face. Trump seemed taken aback and reluctantly, almost sheepishly, shook her hand. This dominance prevailed throughout the debate. Indeed, had we watched the debate with the sound off, it would have been obvious that Harris won. She was expressive and looked at Trump frequently, while Trump refused to look at her, instead looking straight ahead with a scowling, strained expression on his face. His face looked like a prision mug shot.

With the sound on, we saw Harris articulately and eloquently destroying her opponent. She exposed him as an old, decrepit, uninformed fool, while she came across as presidential. Her stated pre-debate strategy was to get under his skin, and she accomplished this brilliantly. He took the bait every time, looking more and more ignorant and out of touch with reality as the debate went on. Harris came across as thoughtful and serious, while Trump appeared increasingly deranged.

I had maintained that Harris's courtroom experience was more signifcant than Trump's prior experience with presidential debates. There was a school of thought that downplayed the significance of Harris's courtroom experience, but my viewpoint proved to be the correct one. In a courtroom you are trying to communicate and tailor the facts so as to convince a judge or jury of the rightness of your position. In the debate you are doing the same thing, except that the "jury" consists of the millions who make up the voting public.

A fact-check of Trump's many misstatements reveals a total of 33 lies. It would be pointless to cover all of these, but I will highlight a few of Trump's lies and outrageous claims which stood out for me.

Abortion. Trmp repeatedly said that "everybody" wanted Roe overturned. This is laughably false. The fact is that most Americans, including most legal scholars, are in favor of some sort of middle road betwween an abortion ban and no restrictions, which is the Roe approach.

Trump claimed to be in favor of leaving the issue of abortion up to the states, and yet he refused to say that he would veto a national abortion ban.

Trump repeated the false claim that Democrats are in favor of full-term abortions, which are illegal in every state. Further, he gave this as the reason for voting against the Florida abortion referendum, which would revoke the six-week ban. Trump claims that he thinks six weeks is not enough, yet he refuses to support revoking this horrible Florida law, which prohibits abortion before many women even know they are pregnant..

Immigration. Trump repeated the debunked claim that Haitian immigrants were eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio. When the moderator corrected him, he interrupted him and said he saw it on TV.

Trump claimed that Democrats favored illegal immigration because the illegals will vote Democratic.

Trump repeatedly claimed that the crime rates in other countries are going down, because those countries are sending their criminals to the U.S. This is an absurd claim that Trump has been making ever since he came down the golden escalator in 2015 and announced his candidacy.

Trump repeated the lie that Harris was "the border czar".

But the big lie at the heart of Trump's xenophobic anti-immigrant rants is that immigration is ruining this country. Quite the opposite is true; immigrants add economic strength to our country with their hard work and entrepreneurial spirit, and they commit crimes at half the rate of citizens. And they are absolutely necessasry to saving the social security system, as we need more young workers to finance benefits for our aging population.

Crime. Trump said that “crime in this country is through the roof.” This is false, as FBI stats show that both violent crime and property crime rates have gone down under Biden.

Harris's prior run. Trump stated, as he often has on the campaign trail, that Harris was the first person to drop out of the race for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020. This is false. A check reveals that all of these candidates dropped out before Harris: Richard Ojeda, Eric Swalwell, John Hickenlooper, Jay Inslee, Seth Moulton, Kirsten Gillebrand, Bill de Blasio, Tim Ryan, Beto O'Rourke, Mark Sanford, Wayne Messam, Joe Sestak, and Steve Bullock.

Inflation. Trump repeated the falsehood that inflation was the highest ever under Biden. The facts are that inflation was considerably higher during the Carter years of 1979 and 1980 than it ever was under Biden.

Implicit in all of the inflation talk is that the Biden administration is responsible for inflation. The factually correct answer to this is that inflation is a world-wide phenomenon, and the U.S. actually has had less inflation than other developed countries, which is to say that Biden has been doing a good job in combatting inflation. But the Democrats never mention this, apparently feeling that this explanation will not resonate with the ignorant U.S. voters.

Obamacare. Trump now claims that he wants to improve Obamacare, not end it. What this means is not clear. The moderator got Trump to admit that he still, after nine years, does not have a plan to replace Obamacare. Trump lamely claimed that he had the "concepts" of a plan.

Israel. Trump falsely claimed that "Harris hates Isael", and said Israel would cease to exist in two years under a Harris presidency. A similar lie was the accusation that Harris is a Marxist.

Crowd sizes. Trump's latest lie about Harris's crowd sizes is that she is busing people in and paying them to attend her rallies. Previous lies are that she has crowds only because of the entertainers, and that she is using AI to create false pictures of her crowds.

Tariffs. Trump repeated his long-time lie that tariffs are paid by the exporting countries. This is totally false; the facts are that tariffs are paid by U.S. importers, and ultimately by the U.S. consumers. Harris is correct in saying that Trump's proposed tariff increases would be equivalent to a national sales tax on U.S. consumers, a "tax" which analysts say would cost the average family about $4,000 a year.

The Ukraine war. Trump refused to say that he wanted Ukraine to win the war. He repeated his absurd claim that he would end the war within 24 hours. When pressed for details, he said he would talk one-on-one with Putin, and then with Zelensky.

The 2020 election. Trump repeated his frequent claim that the last election was stolen. When the moderator brought up that Trump had seemed to admit he lost with his recent statement that he "lost by a whisker", Trump claimed he was being "sarcastic", even though there was no hint of sarcasm in his prior statement.

Trump's inheritance. When Harris referred to Trump's $400 million inheritance, he claimed his actual inheritance was only a "fraction" of this. As documented by investigative reporters, Trump did in fact receive over this amount, much of which was in the form of gifts from his father disguised as "loans". His six bankruptcies are stark evidence of Trump's total incompetence as an entrepreneur.

Conclusion: Trump was so thoroughly trounced that now, like Roberto Duran in 1980, he is crying "no mas".

Sunday, September 8, 2024

BHS football season is underway

Friday marked the first home game for the Pirates. Their opponent was Ayersville, a school I'd never heard of. Turns out Ayersville is a small school located in the Defiance area. I imagine there is an interesting back story about how Ayersville came to appear on the Bluffton schedule as a non-conference opponent, but I don't know what it is. Enrollment at Ayersville is only 346, but Bluffton's is only 353, so quite similar numbers of students to draw from.

The Pirates are coming off of an awesome year in 2023, when they went 12-2, the only losses coming to nearby rival Columbus Grove. They started out the season 9-0, shutting out seven of their first nine oppenents, before losing to Grove 14-7. In the post-season playoffs, they defeated their first three opponents by a combined score of 135-6, before again falling to Grove 17-10, in a game I was able to watch on the big screen at the local bowling alley.

The weather Friday was rainy, cloudy, and blustery, putting my plans to attend the game in doubt. But it cleared up somewhat by the 7:00 P.M. game time, and the weather waqs almost ideal for football. A few random drops of rain were felt, but no real drizzle. And the sun even peaked through for awhile toward the end of the first half. In the first half Bluffton scored every time it had the ball (I think), and the halftime score was 49-0. I left and went home, finding out later that the final was 63-7, with the second string (presumably) playing the second half.

So the season is off to a great start. The Pirates have defeated their first three oponents by a combined score of 155-10, beating each opponent by a greater margin than last year. The future looks bright!

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Killers (1946; dir: Robert Siodmak)

I run across a new film noir almost daily on Facebook. Someone in the film noir group will write a post about a particular film noir, and then seomeone else in the comments will post a link to the film. Consequently, I watch a new film noir quite often these days. I love watching these shows. The black-and-white, the light and shoadows, the urban scenes, the femme fatales, they all make for a delightful viewing experience.

Yesterday I watched "The Killers", starring Burt Lancaster and Ava Gardner. An ex-boxer gets murdered execution-style, and an insurance investigator sets out to find the beneficiary of his life insurance policy. He continues to follow the trail and attempt to unravel the mystery behind the execution. As he talks with each witness, there is a flashback showing what the witness is describing. (Similar to the excellent TV series, "Cold Case", which is occasionally on TNT at night.)

What sets this movie apart from other film noirs is the very clever surprise ending. There is quite a nice twist at the end.