Saturday, February 8, 2020

Yesterday's Democratic Debate

Last  night's debate between the remaining seven candidates was informative. All  the candidates stuck to their talking points and avoided getting derailed,  Biden did as he was expected to do, which is to come out swinging after his pathetic fourth-place showing in Iowa. However, his performance seemed to fall flat. Instead of coming across as aggressive, he simply came across as a pathetic loser. I'm afraid this is the beginning of the end for him.

All the other candidates did well, and Klobuchar continues to gain in stature.

Unlike the previous debate, in which the moderators repeatedly interrupted the candidates, the ABC moderators in this one let the candidates develop their thoughts and make their points. Kudos to George Stephanopoulos and the other moderators.

2/10/20 update.  As a postscript to this last point, at the Oscars last night the best picture winners were cut off in the middle of their comments.  The audience booed lustily, and the producers finally relented and let the winners finish their comments. In this era of short sound bites, it is refreshing to have some momentum developing for allowing people to express more complex thoughts and ideas.

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