Monday, September 21, 2020

A Gruenfeld

1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 d5 4 cd Nxd5 5 e4 NxN 6 bc Bg7 7 Be3 0-0 8 Rc1  Usual moves here re Nf3, Bc4 and Qd2.  Rc1 is a distant fourth at only 6%.  I could have avoided this line by playing ...c5 on my last move.

8...c5 9 dc?  Played here are Nf3, Qd2 and d5.  Black's move is weak.

9...QxQ+ 10 KxQ Be6 11 a3 Rd8+ 12 Kc2 Nc6 13 Bb5 Na5 14 Bd4  The engine says this ups black's advantage from half a point to two points, a huge jump.  But my next move knocks the edge back down.

14...Rac8 15 BxB KxB 16 Ne2 Rxc5 17 Ba4 Nc4? (missing b5!) 18 Ra1? (Nd4) Ra5  19 Bb3  Rd2+ 20 Kc1 RxN 21 BxN BxB 22 Rd1 Rxf2 23 Rd7 Rb5 24 Rxe7 Rbb2 25 Rd7 Bb3 and mate soon on the back rank 0-1 

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