Wednesday, February 22, 2023

About Section 230

An important case was argued yesterday before the U.S. Supreme Court. It involved Section 230, which protects Internet platforms from liability for third-party posts. All but one of the Justices, liberals and conservatives alike, expressed skepticism about the request that the Supreme Court rewrite the law to allow for liability in some cases.

Kudos to those Justices for their skepticism. In our overly-litigious society, we often rely excessively on the court system to make new laws and redress all grievances. It is NOT the function of the courts to do so.

The Justices clearly understood that it is up to Congress to study this issue and come up with new rules which will strike the proper balance between free speech and liability for harm done. The Justices seemed to understand that doing away with Section 230 entirely would kill the Internet as we know it.

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