Thursday, May 11, 2023

Great Fun at the Bridge Club

A memorable hand is one thing that is so great about our local bridge club. (The other is the great social interaction.)

My last hand in our most recent game came playing with Karen, against Linda and Anita. I was dealt a hand with six hearts and (slightly) fewer than opening points, so I was ready to open with a weak two bid. However, Karen had dealt and opened one diamond. So at that point, I was ready to raise to one heart. But then, Linda overcalled in front of me with a one heart bid!

I was void in diamonds, so I felt compelled to bid, but Linda had foreclosed my planned heart bid. Then I noticed that I had four spades, headed by the Ace. So I bid one spade. Karen responded with four spades, and I must have made quite a face in response to this, because the whole table erupted in laughter.

It turned out that Karen had four spades, including a couple of honors, with a void in hearts. So, we both had a void in the other's suit. Unfortunately, when I tried to pull trump, Anita showed out on the second trick, so I knew that Linda had started with four trumps against me. (This is the danger with a 4-4 trump suit, compared to the more usual 5-3 split. Consulting Pascal's Triangle, the fifth row is 1-5-10-10-5-1, meaning that the chances of a 3-2 split of the defenders' trumps are (only) 20/32, or 5/8. So not as unusual as you might think to get a bad split.)

Not a complete disaster, but still presenting a serious challenge. So how do I prevent losing total control of the hand? I decided to use my remaining trumps (2 in my hand and 2 in dummy), for cross-ruffing. I ended up running myself totally out of trumps, with Linda still having two left! With four tricks to go, I led a diamond from dummy and Linda took the trick with the King of diamonds, cashed her two trumps, and then led a diamond, which gave dummy's queen the last trick! Had she had any other suit left, I would have gone down.

So, I made the contract, ending the night with +710, compared to -10 had I gone set. (+620 for the vulnerable game, rather than -100 for going down one vulnerable, a 720-point swing).

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