Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Evils of the Catholic Church

Vatican archivist Giovanni Coco has discoverd a "yellowed letter" sent by the German Jesuit Lothar Konig to the Pope's private secretry in December of 1942, informing the Pope that "up to 6,000 men die every day" in the "blast furnace" at the Belzec concentration camp.

This puts the lie to the Vatican's long-standing position that Pope Pius XII never knew about the evils of the Holocaust. While this might be dismissed as the failings of one person, what cannot be dismissed are the repeated efforts of the Catholic church to beatify this guy. It has been widely believed that Pius XII must have known about the Holocaust, but now there is proof in black and white that he did. And yet, the Cathlic Church continues to be in denial. For shame.

And now I have learned that William Tyndale was executed by the Catholic Church for heresy, for the "crime" of translating the Bible into English. You wouild have thought that a truly Christian institution would have welcomed this, but not the Catholic Chruch, because the Catholic Church does not want its members to be able to think for themselves.

Many of the shortcomings of the Supreme Court in recent years is due to the prevalence of Catholics on the court. This number is currenly six of the nine, but has been even higher in recent years. Currently there are only two Protestants on the court, and that's being generous in counting the Episcopalian Neil Gorsuch, who was raised a Catholic, as a Protetant. The Catholic-dominated Court has repeatedly embraced the expansion of Executive power, to the point that the government is now free to make personal reproductive decisions for the women of this country.

The Catholic Church mandates fealty to a patriarchal autocracy, in which people are discouraged to think for themselves, and are instead commanded to allow the Pope to dictate their personal decisions. This emphasis on Papal infallibilty is decidely unchristian, as the Bible teaches us that we are all sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God, even the Pope.

Liberals have been consistent in advocating "diversity" on the Supreme Court, but this has turned out to be a sham. The liberals' idea of diversity mandates diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, but ignores the most important kind of diversity, that of religion, resulting in an almost total elimination of Protestant values from the Supreme Court. Martin Luther's 95 Theses exposed the evils of the Catholic Church, and it's time we undertood this and acted accordingly.

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