Saturday, December 30, 2023

Misinformation on the Civil War

The liberal media is blasting Nikki Haley for not mentioning slavery in her answer to a question about the cause of the Civil War. While Haley's response was not very intelligible, there was nothing wrong with her not mentioning slavery. Here is the correct response: "The Civil War was caused by Abraham Lincoln's obsession with preserving the Union. Seven Southern states were trying to peacefully secede, and Lincon refused to allow them to do so, and waged war against them for their desire to leave the union. While the secession was caused by slavery (among other reasons), the war itself was all the North's doing."

When I posted this thought on Facebook, some of my friends seemed unable to grasp the basic truth I'm trying to express here. I will put it as simply and directly asd I can: Secession was about slavery, but the Civil War was about Lincoln's obsession with preserving the union.

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