Saturday, June 22, 2024

Trump's path to victory

Trump has an easy, simple-minded path to victory in November, which is good for him as he is a simple-minded man.

There are two messages he should stress: first, we had no wars under his leadership, and two wars under Biden's leadership. And beyond that, Biden has arguably screwed up both wars. He has failed to cut off aid to Israel when it became obvious that Israel was using our aid to commit genocide against Palestinian civilians. And he refused, for a long time, to provde needed aid to Ukraine if that aid could be used to wage attacks inside Russia. Both approaches were dead wrong.

His second message should be that there was virtually no inflation during his term, and now there has been continuing inflation under Biden. Biden should try to counter this by pointing out that our inflation is the lowest in the world, emphasizing that this is a world-wide phenomenon, but this will not resonate with the average voter.

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