Friday, June 21, 2024

What Biden Has To Do

The things Biden needs to do to win re-election seem so simple to me, and yet Democratic candidates in the past have been so oblivious to the obvious. Here is a list.

1. Use Clinton and Obama as surrogates. Thse two ex-presidents both have awesome oratorical skills, skills which Biden lacks. As documented in Michael Cohen's book "Disloyal", Trump has a visceral hatred of Obama, so it is especially important to use Obama, as he can easily get under Trump's skin and induce outlandish comments from him.

2. Use lay people as surrogates. Robert de Niro has proven to be a strong surrogate, and he should be used. Also, the lady in Texas who was denied an abortion which was necessary to preserve her ability to have chidren in the future.

3. Pound the airwaves with hard-hitting ads showing Trump making outlandish claims. Use his own words against him.

4. Stress the theme that the Trump agenda is designed to "take away your rights". This includes the right to make your own reproductive decisions, the right to have your vote counted, the right to read books of your own choosing, the right to be free from gun viiolence, and many others. Pound this message to the voters.

5. Counter the question about "Are you better off than you were four years ago" with correct info that we are indeed way better off. Unemployment at a 50-year low, stock market at an all-time high, inflation the lowest in the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we can expect Biden to do these things and a lot more. We need to focus on the most important issue in this election: the future of the rule of law. Gaza is not an issue he can do much about. A break with Israel is political suicide. Facts will matter less in this election than voter turnout.