Friday, August 16, 2024

Biden Bungles Both Wars

The success of the Ukrainian army in its incursion into Russia just exacerbates my anger at Joe Biden for his refusal to tolerate any Ukraine action inside Russia for so long. I think about how the war could have gone so much better for Ukraine if its hands hadn't been tied by Biden.

And then we have Israel's war against Gaza, where Biden's blunder has been just the opposite. Biden still refuses to rein in Israel, choosing instead to allow the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent Gaza women and children.

Biden's war blunders were foreshadowed by his ill-conceived vote on 10/11/02 to authorize Bush to go to war against Iraq. Twenty-two of his Senate Democratic colleagues were astute enough to vote against it, but Biden supported it and thereby demonstrated his incompetence when it comes to war matters.

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