Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Why Harris Will Win in a Landslide

By "landslide" I mean that Harris will win all of the swing states--Nevada, Arizona, Wiconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina.

I don't include Indiana, which went for Trump by 16 and 19 points in the past two elections. The polls putting Trump's lead at only 4% have to be off.

Harris doesn't need Georgia, and shouldn't waste her time there, as she is about to do this week with her bus tour.

I base this assessment on the temendous enthusiasm for her campaign. Record numbers of donations are coming in, many of them first-time donors; new voters are being registerd at a record pace, and new volunteers are signing up at a record pace.

Trump continues to embarrass himself with deranged comments on the campaign trail and on social media. He is fairly likely to become unhinged and self-destruct in the upcoming debate, as he detests Harris and has no impulse control sufficient to hide his hatred.

I continue to believe that there is a strong parallel between Trump and General MacArthur in 1952. MacArthur came back from Asia extremely popular, but that popularity waned as he spent his speeches nursing his personal grievances against Truman for being fired, instead of talking about the issues in the 1952 election.

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