Friday, October 11, 2024

Why Hillary Lost (and Saddled Us with Trump)

An article in the October 7th issue of "The New Yorker" describes how Hillary Clinton, when she ran for president in 2016, didn't visit a single union hall in Michigan or Wisconsin. To make matters worse, she dismissed all Trump supporters as "a basket of deplorables", further alienating all the workers who supported Trump, while Trump held rallies all across the Rust Belt, promising to bring back factory jobs.

The incident which defined the atrociousness of her campaign for me was after a town hall meeting, when a voter came up to her and complained about the draconian Clinton crime bill. Instead of responding intelligently, she gave one of her stupid little laughs, and said she'd never thought about this. Huh?? You mean to tell me that you spent two years planning to run for president, and couldn't find a few hours out of all that time to study the draconian effects of the crime bill, which provided for 100 times the penalties for the crack-based cocaine favored by blacks, compared to the powdered cocaine favored by middle class whites. This is gross poitical malpractice!

Hillary was simply unable to connect with voters. When I pointed out this shortcoming at the time, I was condemned as a misogynist. Eight yeers later, I am still waiting for an apology from my nemesis and her man-hating allies. All I got was a bunch of nonsense about how women aren't allowed to show passion. Pure baloney!

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